Hi there.
Were you expecting to see the new releases for this month?
That's what we normally do here on The Thrill Begins. First Thursday means releases from the current debut class. In one of those wrinkles of publishing time - you all know about those time distortions, right? - we don't have any debuts this month.
So this seemed like a great time to remind you about some of the advantages of being in the Debut Author program.
First, of course, is your brand new baby - that book you sweated blood over - could be showcased here on the blog.
In addition, your book news will be a part of our Big Thrill email blast which is sent to over 14,000 thriller fans around the world including readers, booksellers and librarians. Interviews in The Big Thrill; mentor events; special debut author events online and at Thriller Fest - the list goes on. Check out the details on the ITW website.
Ready to join? Have friends releasing their debut novel? Contact Anthony Franze about membership.
There are so many advantages to being in this Program--it's great to see it emphasized! Barry Lancet is a current Debut who has taken over membership and will be able to help you out, along with Anthony. I look forward to welcoming some of you soon--maybe you'll even be blogging right here in this very site! or raising a glass a TFest...